Sunday, January 4, 2009

A beautiful...

[Original Post at my Blogs | My Blogs]

... song — Fear of the Angels, the theme song of the Secret of Mana series. [Your volume may need to be turned up a bit.]. If you don't see the youtube video embedded below, then please try your luck directly at youtube.

This version was performed by the Tokyo Philharmonic Orchestra during the Orchestral Game Concert 3 (the 10th piece). [PS. I think there's a higher-quality version (200+ kbps) somewhere in the internet.]

I especially love the first-half solo which is played in the mp to mf range of dynamics (I think) — started with a violin which creates a sad feeling, then followed by a oboe and a flute which project a sense of calming. After the solo(s) is a short “loud” section (trumpets); and then, the song is re-played with violins. Finally, the closing part is in the form of, not surprising, a violin solo.

The melody is the main point why I enjoyed this song. Frankly, this is the second (orchestral) musical piece that can send a chill down my spine, apart from the Beethoven violin concerto (somewhere during the 1st movement, on the second page in the musical sheet). Ok, I lied abit, it's arguably the third, since one of the Mahler's symphony also makes me feel extremely uneasy and depressed when listening to it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ciehhh yg lg mellow hehe...