Monday, March 3, 2008

First day in Aachen

[Original Post at my Blogs | My Blogs]

Started my travel by heading to Changi airport (SIN) on Sat 01/Mar/2008 21:30 SGT. The flight departed on Sun 02/Mar/2008 00:00. Incidentally, I met with my professor from Fasilkom UI, Dr Stef, who'll be a visiting professor in Lisbon and Dresden for the next 3 months.

After a roughly 12-hour flight, arrived at Frankfurt on Sunday 02/Mar/2008 06:30 CET. Continued my journey by train to Cologne/Köln (about 1 hour) during which I met another Indonesian working in a German education foundation. From Cologne, I had to rush for the next train to Aachen which arrived 5 minute after. Finally, arrived at Aachen after another hour of travel; check in to hotel around 11:00.

After settling down, went for lunch and then tried to make our way to RWTH. During the way, took some pictures of the city and also a visit to the town hall. Heading back to hotel around 16:30.

The weather is windy, temperature is about 2-11 C. And the wind is really strong; one can clearly see the cloud move very fast, unlike in Indonesia or Singapore. With such strong wind, it's no wonder to see wind turbines being used to generate power; something which is not feasible in Singapore (or SE-Asia?) -- at least, as was told by a from-aeroplane-to-hardisk engineer.


Unknown said...

mana foto2nya?

difoto dong wind turbine-nya. tp jangan ada elonya ... hehe

Arief Yudhanto said...
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Cincai Patron said...

Susah ambil gambar dari dalam kereta bergerak.

Arief Yudhanto said...

bisa - click on "M", lalu ISO-nya ditinggiin (>300).